Ewald's Venus Ford, LLC

Delivery to Driveway
May 23, 2023

Welcome to Ewald’s Venus Ford, where we are excited to offer our valued customers the opportunity to enhance their driving experience with our Fuel Economy Special. For just $59, you can take advantage of a comprehensive package designed to optimize your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. Our expert technicians will perform a fuel injection cleaning, check your air filter, fuel filter, emissions system, and tire pressure. With these services, you can enjoy better mileage, increased performance, and potential savings at the pump. We invite you to join us in maximizing your fuel economy and enjoying a smoother, more economical ride. Visit our Milwaukee car dealer and let us help you get the most out of every mile.

Revitalize your driving experience and unlock remarkable savings with Ewald’s Venus Ford’s Fuel Economy Special. Priced at just $59, this exclusive package offers a range of advantages tailored to optimize your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. Get ready to enjoy the following benefits when you choose to take advantage of the Fuel Economy Special at our service center near you:

  • Fuel Injection Cleaning: The expert mechanics at our Milwaukee car dealer will perform a thorough fuel injection cleaning, eliminating deposits and build-up that can impede fuel efficiency. This service improves fuel atomization and combustion, leading to better mileage and increased power.
  • Air Filter Check: We will inspect your air filter and determine whether it needs cleaning or replacement. A clean air filter ensures optimal air intake, enabling your engine to perform efficiently and burn fuel more effectively.
  • Fuel Filter Check: Our service center near you will carefully examine your fuel filter to ensure it is in optimal condition. A clogged or dirty fuel filter can restrict fuel flow and hinder fuel efficiency. By keeping your fuel filter clean, you can maintain peak performance and maximize your mileage.
  • Emissions System Check: We’ll conduct a comprehensive inspection of your emissions system at our Milwaukee car dealer, to ensure it is functioning flawlessly. A well-maintained emissions system not only benefits the environment but also helps improve your fuel economy.
  • Tire Pressure Check: Proper tire pressure is essential for optimal fuel efficiency. We’ll check your tire pressure and adjust it as needed, reducing rolling resistance and enhancing fuel economy. With properly inflated tires, you can enjoy significant fuel savings over the long run.

With Ewald’s Venus Ford’s Fuel Economy Special, you can experience improved fuel efficiency, potential savings at the pump, and a smoother, more economical driving experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to optimize your vehicle’s performance and enjoy the benefits of enhanced fuel economy. Schedule service and let our service center near you help you get the most out of every drop of fuel.